albo is the leading mexican challenger bank which helps you manage your money, and it can adapt to your lifestyle bringing you an honest service that cares about you. albo offers you a mobile banking app, a banking account, and a Mastercard card, allowing you to easily spend, save and invest your money. You can open your account in 60 seconds from your phone, having at your disposal personalized financing tools to help assist you in making better financial decisions. You can also be able to make free money transfers to whichever bank 24/7. albo includes many other innovating functions besides the ones mentioned above.
Alloy is the only end-to-end identity risk management platform for companies that offer financial products. Beginning with origination and account opening, Alloy provides banks and fintechs with a scalable, flexible platform to manage identity risk throughout the customer lifecycle. With configurable solutions for fraud, credit and compliance risk, dedicated expert guidance and the industry’s most extensive ecosystem of data partners, Alloy helps companies deliver great financial products to more customers around the world.
Apollo Agriculture is a Kenyan agritech company that provides agricultural inputs, financing and market access to smallholder farmers to help them maximize their profits. They use agronomic machine learning, remote sensing, and mobile phones to deliver a customized package of credit, high-quality farm inputs, and advice that can double farm yields. 01Apollo, one of their product; assesses farmer credit risk and customizes each package to a farmer's specific location using satellite data, soil data, farmer behavior data and crop yield models.
Aquaconnect was founded in 2017 as a full-stack aquaculture technology venture to offer data-driven farm advisory solutions and market place solutions to Shrimp and Fish farmers. As a part of promoting sustainable farming practices in aquaculture ecosystem, we have launched an Artificial Intelligence farm advisor 'FarmMOJO' - a friendly farm companion. FarmMOJO's data intelligence improves farm productivity and connects farmers with aquaculture industry stakeholders under its market place. Aquaconnect works with about 3000 farmers in Indian states of Andhra, Tamilnadu, and Gujrat to improve their farm revenues through technology intervention.
Brigit is a financial health app helping every American build a brighter financial future. With a business model that is aligned with our customers, we create transparent, fair, and simple financial products that put money back in the hands of our members, help them spend wisely, and avoid unfair fees. Founded in 2017, the company is headquartered in New York, New York, United States.
Chime was created because we believe everyone can unlock financial progress, and we want to develop solutions and services to empower people to succeed. The premise upon which we started Chime is simple: basic banking services should be helpful, transparent, and easy. Our easy-to-use tools and intuitive platforms give members the ability to have more control over their money and to take action toward achieving their financial ambitions.
Clerkie is an AI Financial Planner for the 123M underserved Americans looking for answers. After spending years helping struggling middle-class families, it became clear that users needed more help with their debt and their finances. They needed answers. Clerkie uses conversational AI to build in-depth financial knowledge graphs that provide personalized answers and actionable plans for everyday Americans trying to achieve their financial goals. Our mission is to democratize financial health and provide all individuals with an actionable path to financial security.
Credflow is a vertical specific cashflow management solution that leverages technology to build customized credit solutions and automate receivable collections. Credflow has the vision to revolutionize credit flow through the supply chain to help businesses grow exponentially - one vertical at a time. Credflow was founded in 2019 and is located in New Delhi, India.